What do YOU do for a living?

Up until this year I loved answering the question ‘what do you do?’. Shortly after graduating as a microbiologist, I would say; ‘I work for AstraZeneca where I am an Environmental Control Officer responsible for the sterility of a facility that manufactures one of the world’s leading anti-cancer drugs’. In my mid-20’s the answer was; ‘I spend the austral summers volunteering on a nature reserve on one of the most remote inhabited islands in the Falkland archipelago’. That experience completely reshaped my life – it served as a stepping-stone towards the most incredible adventures a girl could ever dream of. For over half a decade the answer became; ‘I am a Zodiac driver and budding natural history guide, working on an expedition ship taking tourists to some of the most remote areas of the world; particularly the polar regions, the Amazon river, and some of the most remote islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean’.

I hit 30 and it was time to grow up and start leading a normal life. I met my husband in the Falklands and moved across the ‘pond’, where we chose the beautiful city of Charlottesville in Virginia to call home. Up until the birth of my second son, I had a normal job with regular hours. I still needed something to do, so I started my first business and then I was able to say; ‘I am an Independent Certified Instructor for the Baby Signs Program’. When my boys got a little bit older, my friend and I purchased a franchise and my answer became; ‘I am one of the owners of Bricks 4 Kidz, we run after-school classes and camps using LEGO®-bricks to teach S.T.E.M. classes to elementary aged children’.

Up until about an hour ago, when people would ask what I do for a living; I would hesitate not being 100% sure what I should say. Don’t get me wrong! I can talk about Young Living and the success I have had using their products for hours. It was more to do with the worry that I would be perceived as an annoying network marketer and that people would assume (wrongly) that I am only interested in getting a ‘sale’. The truth is actually very different. I don’t want to sell you anything, my job is to offer you information, so that you have the choice; to either learn more, or to decide that you are not interested. It is about GIVING (information) and not about GETTING (a new sale). So, now it is with confidence, that I will respond with ‘I specialize in teaching people how to easily and economically replace dangerous chemicals and toxins in their home with healthy, safe alternatives’.

First published September 15, 2018


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