These two little boys are the absolute light of my life! I always knew that I wanted to be a mother, I also always knew that I wanted to work from home so I could look after them myself. 

Is this what you want too? If so, I can help you be present for your kids, so you don't have to send them to child-care. I have devoted the past 11 years to figuring out how to make that happen! I have owned multiple businesses; including a successful franchise, a childcare operation and a direct sales business. I have learnt a great deal about what works (and what doesn't) and I would love to share my knowledge with you.


You deserve to have the best of both worlds!
Are you tired of working for other people - of trading your time for money? Are you sick of the perpetual rabbit wheel of daily life; the 9-5 routine (if you are lucky enough to work such few hours). Does your commute or do your colleagues make you miserable? Are you too exhausted to enjoy your spare time? Do you get home too late to tuck your little ones in to bed?

Do you wish you had more time freedom? 

Do you wish you had more financial freedom? 

What if I told you that I know EXACTLY how to help you achieve BOTH?

With over a decade of experience in starting my own businesses I am fully equipped to share my knowledge on how to do proper due diligence, how to set up (and manage), social media pages and groups, how to find venues, how to negotiate fees and rates, how to screen and hire employees, how to apply for business licenses, how to manage payroll and prepare tax returns and how to market your business...

BUT, what if I told you that after ten years of searching for the perfect way to be able to work from home - 

Join my free communities

Head over to my free Facebook community, where you'll find lots of information, resources, inspiration and tips on running your own business while parenting. 

Follow my blog

I write a blog to help busy mums live their best life by sharing either some research, a bit of inspiration, a recipe, a DIY, or a fun tip so you can live a happy, vibrant life with your kiddos.

A little bit about me... 

Hi! Iā€™m Gillian; I am originally from the UK but now I live in the beautiful city of Charlottesville, Virginia with my 2 little boys, my beautiful English Setter and a cat that thinks he's a dog. šŸ¤£. 
When I was younger I had some incredible adventures.  Among them was driving Zodiacs in Antarctica, sailing 2, 000 miles up the Amazon River, hiking the Inca Trail and diving on the Great Barrier Reef.  I camped in the African Bush and walked more than 90 miles in Patagonia... YET, despite all these amazing experiences, my greatest and happiest adventure has been that of motherhood! 
I always knew I wanted to be a Mum, and I always knew I was going to find a way to be able to work-from-home. The day my late husband proposed I told him that if we ever had children I wanted to be the one to pick them up from school and take them on adventures during the school holidays. My babies are now 12 and 13 and, although it hasn't always been easy (particularly on our finances), my boys have never had to attend day care or spend the summers at camps.

My passion is to help other Mothers find ways to be able to earn an income while being present for their little ones. I have owned multiple businesses; including a successful franchise, a childcare operation and a direct sales business. I have learnt a great deal about what works (and what doesn't) and I would love to share my knowledge with you.

Free Consultation

Let's chat! We can talk on the phone, through a ZOOM chat, by email, or text - just let me know your preference.