What I loved about teaching my babies infant sign language - and why YOU should teach yours too!
I was not even pregnant when I decided that I would be teaching my future children to use infant sign language. I decided the moment that my friend Ann told me that her Godson was able to tell his parents that he would prefer a cracker instead of an apple … and he was still too young to talk!

When Jack was born in 2007 I diligently started reading all about infant sign language and I stumbled across The Baby Signs® Program. I also learnt that the first 3 years of a child’s life are their most critical in terms of many areas of development.

I was sooo excited when Jack made his first sign at about 8 months! He signed ‘cat’… and from then on he never stopped ‘talking’ about the things he was seeing ‘light’, ‘bird’, ‘helicopter’ (he made that one up himself), ‘airplane’ and tonnes more on top of the useful signs like ‘milk’, ‘all done’ and ‘more’.  

It was really helpful when he learnt the signs for ‘hurt’ and ‘help’; it meant a whole lot less crying and a whole lot less ‘first-time mum’ fear!

It was when Henry was born, 22 months later in 2009, that I decided I wanted to share this passion with others, and so I completed my training to become an Independent Certified Baby Signs® Instructor with The Baby Signs® Program. Oh, and I loved my job!!

It was amazing to be able to have my own baby in my classes and watch him learn and grow.  I have lots of stories about Henry and his signing… my favourite was when I had taken him to the park on a very windy day and he looked at me and did his baby sign for ‘fan’! It was amazing to me that he made the association between the wind and the fan in his bedroom; but, not only that – he was able to initiate a conversation with me!

If you have a baby you HAVE to consider teaching them to sign, and I want to help you do it!!

I have put together a 3 week, interactive, self-guided program, complete with instructional videos (they took me a while to film 😊), songs, activities, games and book readings. I use the adorable BeeBo® the bear to model the signs and I teach you everything you need to know so you can have signing success at home.  This is designed to be a fun and engaging process for you to do WITH your baby.

The Happy, Healthy, Whole, Baby Program is about a lot more than just teaching your baby to sign. There are also parent education components that teach you to stimulate developmental growth in your baby’s motor, cognitive, literacy, language, social and emotional skills.

I will also be educating you and guiding you on ways that you can very simply and easily begin switching out toxic chemicals for safe, natural products, no matter what your budget is.

AND – the best part? I have put together 5 options for you to choose from to begin your Happy, Healthy, Whole Baby journey!! 

You REALLY won’t want to miss this opportunity! It’s a little bit too good to be true – but giving is in my heart, and I think you are going to love this!!  You can pay for JUST the 3 week course; OR, you can get the course 100% for free and get remarkable value on your choice of a wellness bundle. 

Click on this link to find out how to join the Happy, Healthy, Whole Baby Program – I have made it so that it is a real no-brainer (is that actually a thing?) 🤔🤣

And, as always, here is an invitation to join my free Facebook community where you will learn tonnes more and be part of a likeminded group of loving m💕ms.


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