This is what happened when I went live in a Facebook group that had over 11,000 people in it...
Guess what I did the other day?!

Me – the one who used to panic even at the thought of talking to more than 10 people at once, me - the one who used to feel like passing out just holding a microphone…I went LIVE in a Facebook group that had 11.500 people in it!!

It was AWESOME!!  I had waited for this opportunity for months, and I knew that doing it was important for me and for my business. Last Monday I put make up on for the first time in weeks and had a consultative meeting (that streamed live on facebook) with a business strategist.  

The centre of my universe are my boys – I love kids, and for a decade my last two businesses were centred around teaching children (first, infant sign language, and then STEM using LEGO® bricks).  Yet still, I couldn’t see how my love of kids aligned with my love of essential oils, and my new passion of toxin-free living.  

Sometimes the answer to something that puzzles you is so close, that you just can’t see it! After chatting to this lady for a few short minutes I began to see everything falling, slightly chaotically, into place!! I suddenly saw, with great conviction, how much I could offer ‘my people’. I began to finally see the wood for the trees! 

Here are those people that I think I can help…

💜Those that want to lead a healthier lifestyle, but don’t know where to start.
💜Those that might be on a budget and want advice on making simple changes that are affordable.
💜Those that want an easy button to embrace a cleaner life style while keeping kids included, invested and interested?
💜Those with babies and toddlers that are sleep deprived and frustrated – I would love to begin sharing about infant sign language again!
💜And also those parents with slightly older kids that want to empower them to make healthy choices and smart decisions for themselves, like I have done with my boys.  

I want to help you take the puzzle out of achieving family wellness, and I want to make it fun and playful too!


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