What to do when your kid gets blood ALL over your cousin's WHITE couch!

A couple of summers ago we went up to Maine for a couple of weeks and I got to spend some time with my cousin and her family.

I had no idea how stunningly beautiful Maine is! What I also didn’t know about Maine, was how bad the mosquitoes can be... and, mosquitoes just LOVE sweet Henry.

On our last day, Henry got up in the middle of the night and unbeknownst to us, went to sleep on the lovely white couch (instead of getting back in bed 🤔) ...what we also didn’t know, was that he’d scratch his bites and leave blood stains all over the place 😱!

I googled ‘how to remove blood stains’ and found all sorts of suggestions; none of which worked!

When I went to tell my sweet cousin, and apologise profusely, she looked at me and said ‘didn’t that Thieves stuff you were telling me about work?’...

Ummmm - I hadn’t tried it!!! What’s wrong with me?! 🤦🏽‍♀️.

Well, guess what... it DID work!!! See for yourself in the picture below! 😊



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