100 Uses for the Premium Starter Kit

100 Uses for the Premium Starter Kit

Add several drops to your favorite brownie mix.
Add several drops to some chocolate and coconut oil to make peppermint bark.
Add 1 drop to water to keep you from overeating.
Add a couple drops to your mop bucket.
Place one drop in your mouth to freshen breath!
Drop under tongue to increase alertness.
Place 1 drop in the toilet if you need a little help going.
Place a drop on your thumb and press it to the roof of your mouth for stuffy sinus relief.
Deeply inhale from the bottle when head and neck tension are present.
Rub up and down spine to help reduce a fever.
Inhale from bottle to settle an upset tummy or add 2 drops to 2-3 oz water and drink.
Add one-two drops to water and drink ½ hour before yard work or exercise for stamina.
Add to diffuser with a couple of ice cubes to help cool down a room!
Add one drop to coffee with creamer
Put a few drops and some water in a spray bottle and spritz on in the hot weather to keep from overheating
Put a drop on a cotton ball in your linen closet (or any closet) to keep it smelling fresh!

Add a drop or two to 8 oz of water each morning for a morning detox flush.
Diffuse with Lavender & Peppermint for seasonal relief.
Put 1 to 2 drops neat onto something that is sticky-it helps get the goo off!
Add drops to butter and drizzle for an amazing fish dish!
Use a few drops on a cloth to get child graffiti off of the walls.
Remove ink from fabric by applying oil and running the item through the washer.
Use to remove sticky gunk from items in place of Goo Be Gone.
Dilute and rub in armpits when fever is present.
Inhale from the bottle to help calm your tummy when on a boat.
Dilute and rub behind the ears to help with cabin pressure relief when landing after a flight.
Lemon for removing gum in kiddos hair!
Add 20 drops to a glass of water to provide Urinary Tract support
Mix a couple drops in your olive oil for an infused flavor
Use in chicken dishes for a refreshing flavor
Add a few drops to baking soda for a homemade soft scrub to use on sinks and tubs
Add a drop or two to your laundry soap to make your laundry come out smelling fresher
Add a drop or two to your wool dryer balls for fresher smelling clothes!

Use to soothe bug bites and stings.
Rub into your scalp to promote hair health.
Add one drop to a new tube of mascara to help grow lush lashes. Also stretches the life of the mascara!
Rub onto sunburned skin to help soothe.
Apply to big toes nightly (using vita flex chart) to help assist with sleep.
Apply to the back of your neck when you’re crossing time zones along with Cedarwood.
Add to some coconut oil for a boo-boo cream ready to go.
Keep a bottle in the kitchen near the stove to soothe occasional burns.
Add a drop to Earl Grey tea, or to a latte.
Diffuse for a great night’s sleep.
Rub onto kids’ feet with a drop of carrier oil to help promote deep sleep.
Soothes minor scrapes, bumps and cuts
Add to warm Almond Milk with Cinnamon and a little honey to promote Sleep.

Use on fatigued muscles (combines well with copaiba and peppermint).
Use on joints to relieve pain
Rub over lower abdomen to relieve cramps. Top with Copaiba to intensify the effect!
Throw fitment on it and rub on back of neck for nursing neck.
Use with fitment to rub on temples to help migraines.
Combine with copaiba and carrier oil to rub on growing kiddos legs for “growing pains” or shin splints.
Add to Epsom salt for a soothing detox bath.
Mix with Copaiba, Frankincense, Peppermint and coconut oil to make a muscle rub.
Have your massage therapist to rub it into your muscles to reduce pain afterwards
Melt down some coconut oil, let it cool and add 10-15 drops of Panaway (amount depends on size of container) to make a muscle rub (can add peppermint too!)

Put in your facial lotion and prepare to look like an angel!
Sniff from bottle to ground yourself when feeling overwhelmed or unsure.
Apply to the spine for a happy immune system.
Apply over any joints.
Apply neat to scars daily and watch them fade.
Apply neat to underside of jaw and neck to reduce sagging skin.
Apply 1 drop to the crown of your head before meditation.
Apply over chest and/or diffuse before bedtime when you’re feeling under the weather or need a little help in the respiratory department.
Diluted frankincense dabbed under the eyes to depuff and look awake and rested
Mix with Stress Away and Lavender in a 10 ml roller top with carrier oil for a “calm mom” blend.
Mix w lemon + lavender (1:1:1) for a magic line & dark circle eraser
Helps soothe sore throats

🌿Citrus Fresh
Add to your diffuser to make your kitchen feel cleaner than it is.
Put a few drops on cotton balls and leave overnight in stinky shoes and in the bottoms of trash cans.
Put a drop on the inside of toilet paper roll in your bathroom for a fresh scent every time the roll spins!!
Add a drop or two to water and drink up for antioxidant support, great taste, and a gentle detox.
Add to your diffuser along with Peppermint to uplift you when you’re feeling tired.
Diffuse to knock down cooking odors after dinner.
Add a couple of drops to wool dryer balls for fresh laundry.
Mix with baking soda and water to make a killer tub scrub.
Mix with raw sugar and cold pressed coconut oil for a fast, amazing sugar scrub to use in your nightly bathing routine. Makes an awesome gift too, and leaves skin so soft and smooth.
Make a DIY room freshener spray
Mix 8 drops in ½-1 cup of baking soda, sprinkle on carpets. Let sit 10 mins and vacuum for refreshed carpet.
Add a drop or two to your wool dryer balls for fresher smelling clothes!

🌿Stress Away
Take this via capsule and it’s like having a glass of wine!
Rub a drop on each shoulder when you’ve been at the computer too long.
Pop that roller cap in it that came with your kit, and roll it on.
Keep in your car for those days you want to run someone off the road.
Roll this on your wrists right when you wake up-helps to keep that positive attitude up!
Combine with Lavender on your wrists to relax when the deadlines are looming.
Bathe in it – add a few drops to epsom salt for dreamy bath.
Diffuse during sleep for a restful night.
Rub on dogs fur to relieve stress from thunder, fireworks, trip to vet, etc.
Rub on wrists or behind ears for a perfume.
Diffuse in the car when picking up children from school
Diffuse or rub on back of neck at night to help with sleep
Make a roller with stress away and lavender plus carrier oil and keep it in the car to keep you calm while driving!

Press one drop onto the roof of your mouth when feeling occasional head tension.
Add 1-2 drops to a tea bag to support your immune system and soothe a sore throat.
Apply to bottoms of feet nightly for immune support.
Clean with it – check out Thieves Household cleaner will change your life!
Dilute and rub on outside of neck for immune support and to soothe scratchy throats.
Keep a bottle or even an empty in the kitchen to sniff while cutting onions! Helps to keep you from tearing so much!
Mix with Witch Hazel and water to a make spray. Spray on child’s head to prevent lice.
Thieves tea: Honey with 2 drops of thieves and 2 drops of lemon, add hot water and stir

Take via capsule for tummy troubles (provides almost immediate relief).
Rub in a circle around belly button to either 1. Get things moving (clockwise) and 2. Stop the movements ya feel? (counter-clockwise)
Rub on tummy to relieve car sickness.
Dilute and massage on feet of a colicky baby.
Add to a roller bottle with peppermint for a happy tummy.

Add one drop to each corner of your shower to help open airways.
Make a DIY chest rub with coconut oil.
Use topically on your chest prior to exercising.
Heat water, add two drops to the bowl of hot water put your face over the bowl with a towel on your head for a clearing effect.

Gives courage
Amazing aftershave/perfume
Helps with snoring
Improves spinal alignment (chiropracter in a bottle)
Boosts memory
Aliviates tension

🌿Peace and Calming
Great for kids, can even calm tantrums
Great for nervous dogs
Alleviates nocturnal teeth grinding

🌿Thieves Spray
Cleans doorknobs and shopping trolley handles
Clean tables in restaurants before eating
Ask me in person for another use I have for it (shhh)

🌿Thieves Household Cleaner
Mix ½ packet/1 capful with distilled water and 5 drops of lemon in 16 ounce spray bottle for an awesome general cleaner.
Mix 1 packet/2 capfuls with distilled water and 5 drops of lemon in a 16 ounce spray bottle for an awesome degreaser.
Mix ½ packet/1 capful with 3 cups water, 1 teaspoon vinegar, and 5 drops Citrus Fresh in a spray bottle for a great glass cleaner.

🌿NingXia Red
Add to Zyng for a refreshing pick me up or alone for the same
Add to water with ½ teaspoon of Sulfurzyme…tastes great.
I love adding Nitro and a LaCroix water to some Ningxia for a pick me up.
Drink with a drop of Thieves when you’re feeling a cold or flu coming on.
Drink 1-2oz daily as an antioxidant, vitamin and mineral rich maintenance dose.
Add to any smoothie for a nutritional boost — bonus: freeze leftovers into popsicles for your kids.
Add to vodka for a hangover free drink – I need to try this!
Pop sachets in the freezer and then cut the tops off for easy popsicles
Vision support

And, in case you have a kit from prior to 2019 – here is some info on copaiba

Take 4-6 drops of Copaiba Vitality in an empty vegetable capsule for joint support.
Drop 2 drops under your tongue to calm nerves, worry or fret.
Add to any other oil to intensify its effects.
Rub on gums of a teething baby.
Take 1 drop with spoonful of honey to soothe your throat.
Apply with lavender and frankincense to soothe irritated skin
Apply over that zit that inevitably pops up on picture day.
Put on that knee that bugs you and then add panaway on top
Add 1-2 drops to your coffee or tea each morning
Rub 1 drop around eyes to help tighten skin
Use in place of CBD oil, works similarly
Add extra drop to Stress Away for added effect
Diffuse with lavender or Stress Away for sleep support

Spray on door knobs and handles when there’s been sickness in your home
Spray shopping cart handles before shopping
Spray tables and menus when eating out
Can be used in a pinch to help purify your hands
Spray public toilets before going potty
I personally have used this on my throat to help clear up a sore throat super quick. (Tastes nasty, but works well!)

First published March 13, 2019

Making a Living with Young Living - taking the 'ick' out of it.

Making a Living with Young Living - taking the 'ick' out of it.

Here is another part of my story…

After the cancer diagnosis that devastated our family, a dear friend reached out and invited me to learn about essential oils.  Little did she know that I had been using oils for years and that I would always get my Mum to bring me some from the U.K. every time she came to visit.  After a fascinating and super informative class I left with a Premium Starter Kit and a TONNE of enthusiasm. 

A week after I got my kit, my friend invited me back to her house for a follow up class.   Luckily, I was the only person able to make it that evening so I asked her to tell me how she was earning an income with Young Living.  After hearing her story, I was as excited as I was uncomfortable.  When I realized it was multi-level marketing, I thought – I can’t do that! I don’t want to do that! I didn’t want to feel like ‘that person’, you know the one; the one that people think are just trying to sell you something. 

But I came home and started reading about Multi-Level Marketing, Direct Sales, and Network Marketing (all the same thing, btw).  Months later I have now read many books, listened to countless webinars and purchased many different training programs (this is by no means a necessity to start this business – it was a necessity only for me to convince myself that Network Marketing was a good choice for me). 

Here is one of the first things I realized – what if Instant Pot paid me to tell my friends how much I love their product? I swear – I talk about my IP all the time and I share recipes, and my friends still talk to me!  I also tell my friends about other things that I love; like a favourite book, a new movie, a yummy cocktail, a great restaurant… I do that because I am excited, and I want my friends to experience things that I have enjoyed. Why would oils, or Thieves, or Savvy Minerals, or Ningxia Red be any different? They aren’t! I don’t go around trying to sell stuf to my friends, or to anyone for that matter! I never will.

Once I accepted this and understood the power and potential of this business model, I decided to dive right in!  Most people I know were initially reluctant business builders. They simply loved and used the products. This is one of the extraordinary things about Young Living – its members unequivocally swear by the products and become loyal to the company.   Their loyalty is not only because the toxin-free supplements, oils, and make-up etc are so amazing, but also because the company has a huge heart and supports so many humanitarian causes,  which are managed by the Young Living Foundation (that, however is a topic for another blog).

Many members accidentally start making an income because every time they introduce someone to the company (and that person buys a starter kit or becomes a member) Young Living sends them a thank you check for $50.  If you do that enough times, it suddenly becomes math… and THAT is the magic of NETWORK MARKETING!! It is simple really… you find 4 people who love the products and then each of those 4 tell another 4, and then those 4 tell 4 more…. you get the picture;  4 – 16 – 64 – 256 – 1,024 – 4096 and so on.  John D Rockerfeller said “I would rather earn 1% of a hundred people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts,” and when you change your focus from making money to serving people by introducing them to products they love and a culture they enjoy, you see that this is a wonderful thing.

Eric Worre said “Network Marketing is not perfect, but it is BETTER’.  All of this is why you will not find me apologizing for being involved in Network Marketing – you will find me embracing it as an opportunity to create a legacy for my children, and both time and financial freedom for myself.  The income potential of this type of business is huge! There are real people out there whose lives have been totally transformed, and I want to be one of them.  I am not there yet, but I will be. It may take 4 years; it may take me longer.   If you read this post and decide to join me, it might even be sooner!  

EDITED (02/15/2020) to add: This business model obviously requires duplication. This post was originally published in Jan of 2018 and, as I mentioned earlier, I have read many, many books and listened to countless webinars; which is good - because now that I found one that actually applies to Young Living and actually WORKS - I can share it with you, and you don't need to do the researching yourself.  Here it is! Martha Krejci and her amazing Go for Gold programme.  She outlines EXACTLY how she got to Gold in 6 months - there is no guess work about what to say or do.  It is all given to you - handed to you on a silver (or gold) platter (see what I did there, ha ha)! If you use Facebook there is a free page called #becauseofgary #goldgetters that I recommend you join.  I would love to answer any questions and then link arms with you and DO THIS!! 

Here is a list of the benefits of starting a Young Living business:

  • No SELLING - not if you do it properly! I promise! 
  • Low-cost investment ($165 is all you need to spend to get started)
  • Be your own boss
  • No employees
  • No inventory
  • No shipping
  • No pressure to make quotas or sales
  • Your business can be a global entity
  • You can operate your business purely online
  • You can specialize in certain product lines
  • Earn a residual income
  • Ideal for stay-at-home parents
  • Great way to get family or friends to do the business with you
  • Ideal for health and wellness professionals who want to expand their customer base
  • You get to qualify for company retreats and travel opportunities
  • Professional development
  • Work at your own pace
  • Set your own hours
  • Tax write-offs

How does that sound? Amazing, right? Who wouldn’t want all of that? And, because I have mentioned income I am obliged to share the Young Living Income Disclosure Document.

Here are my favorite books on this topic:

GAMEPLAN by Sarah Harnish

THE FOUR YEAR CAREER by Richard Bliss Brook

GO PRO by Eric Worre

First published January 10, 2018

Don't let Mother Nature be the only one turning over A New Leaf this season!

Don't let Mother Nature be the only one turning over A New Leaf this season!

Today is the Autumnal Equinox and I am going to do two things.  First, I am going to see if it is true that you can balance an egg on its end.  The idea that an egg could balance on this particular day comes from the thought that  during the equinox a special gravitational balance exists and therefore an egg is less likely to fall over.*

Secondly, I am going to schedule my first solo class and I am super excited about it! You may have read my previous posts about Thieves and the reason why I am so committed to eliminating toxic chemicals from my home.  The Young Living Thieves product line is one of their most popular and also the most versatile; you can find Thieves products to clean your home, your dishes, your clothes, and even your teeth; all the while supporting your family’s health, which is especially important during the approaching cold weather seasons.  AND, something that is very important to me, is that replacing toxic, mainstream products with completely safe products works out to be significantly cheaper! You can keep your home chemical-free and reduce the toxin burden on your family, as well as protect them from endocrine disruptors, neurotoxins and carcinogens, while saving money AND supporting their immune system each time they wash their hands?! Don’t you want to know more?

Can I tell you why I am so excited about this class?

1)  I get to spend time with my friends and hopefully meet new ones.
2) I have the privilege of sharing my experience about something I am passionate about and which I believe is beneficial for my family’s well being.
3) I get to plan fun DIY activities using Thieves Household Cleaner, so that my guests get to take some ‘Thieves-magic’ home with them to try.
4) Making DIY’s also means I get to use my brand new, prized Cricut machine to make labels for our DIY projects (my new favourite anti-stress activity!).
5)  I even figured out how my Instant Pot can join the fun – I can use it to make hot, Thieves-infused apple cider; question is – should it be alcohol free? Nah! I’ll use my baby Instant Pot for that! 🙂

*Oh, and by the way – I know that getting the egg to stand on its end is a myth. I also know that I have  sufficient information to help you reach the same level of confidence that I have in Young Living’s Thieves products.

First published Sept 22nd 2018

What I can't tell you but GOOGLE can!

What I can't tell you but GOOGLE can!
“Guess what…, I have this oil that cures <insert ailment here>!” is something that you will never ever hear me say.  This is not because I don’t believe an oil can help, but because essential oils work to support health, not cure illness.  Additionally, there are many different factors that may affect how an oil works with our bodies.  If I were to make such a claim, and it transpires that this oil does not work for someone else (perhaps because of a different underlying root cause), then I could be personally liable if something was to go awry.  Medical professionals have professional liability insurance for just these sorts of concerns.

As a representative of a company that is regulated by the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) I must adhere to strict guidelines and laws about what I can and cannot say.  If you were to look at the Young Living website, you will notice that they take FDA compliance extremely seriously and you will not find any non-compliant information.  At times I have found this obligation frustrating because I want to shout from the rooftops about something that has personally worked for my family, but these rules are in place to protect us from false advertising; what works for one person may not work for you, as all bodies are different.  Instead, I am grateful for the opportunity to share insights about how oils can support our health and wellness, rather than cure disease and illness.

I should mention at this point that a customer (or anyone that does not actually sell the products) is allowed to speak freely and is not constrained in any way by the FDA, and so a quick google search will reveal plenty of testimonials and information about the power of oils.  There are even books and apps from verified third parties that will give information and suggestions about how oils might be used; remember that this is permissible only because these parties are not selling the products.  However, something to be mindful of is that the properties of oils from different companies vary and therefore it’s important to consider the source when looking at information on the World Wide Web – but that is a topic for another blog!

First published August 24, 2018

Enochlophobia and my 37,000 brand new friends!

Enochlophobia and my 37,000 brand new friends!

I try to make sure my readers learn something from my ramblings.  Who knows, without using Google, what enochlophobia is?  I had to look it up – it’s the fear of crowds.  I still can’t believe I went to Young Living’s Grand Convention in Salt Lake City, UT last week.  I went with four of my friends and we joined the remaining 36,995 other Young Living members to learn more about this remarkable company.  It is hard to put this incredible experience into words; it was AWESOME, in the true sense of the word.  I was in awe of the crowds, the speakers, the desert mountains, the blue sky, the educational opportunities, the expo, the camaraderie and above all, the palpable energy emitted by such a mass of  happy, like-minded people.  Oh, and the scent! Everything smelled so good!

It was an exhausting, empowering, emotional and exhilarating four days.  I learnt a great deal, and I am more excited now, than ever before, to be embarking upon this journey.  I have compiled a short list of what I deemed to be the highlights.

The state of the company snapshot

  • 3000+ global employees
  • 5.6 million members
  • 18 corporate and partner farms
  • 15 offices, overseeing 25 markets
  • 200+essential oil singles and blends
  • 600+ individual products
  • 800% growth of sales over the past 5 years
  • Over 250,000 lives changed, saved and empowered in 2017 by the Young Living Foundation

I loved hearing Eric Worre speak about his 28 years of experience in network marketing, and Mel Robbins describe how she turned her life around using the simple and effective ‘5 second rule’. Visiting the Whispering Springs Lavender Farm in Mona, UT and seeing the distillation process of Juniper essential oil was also fascinating – but, not quite as fascinating and mind-boggling as seeing grown men and women on superb horses, dressed up in medieval costumes pretending to joust! It was a very interesting, highly entertaining and educational experience, for sure! I also learnt that lavender vitality essential oil tastes amazing in fresh lemonade!

I was inspired by talks given by leaders within the company, it was also pretty special to be amongst the first members to learn about the new product launches, and it was an opportunity to forge even stronger bonds with some of my amazing team members.  My friend, Rachel, was with me on the trip and she wrote a really great blog post, called ‘Post Convention Blues‘ that I wanted to share with you.

Personally, one of the most astounding things I learnt, was that with the help of Valor essential oil blend, and the encouragement of my friends, I was able to move from lecture to lecture navigating the immense throng of people without suffering from enochlophobia!

 First published June 24, 2018

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