Help ME to help YOU!

Help ME to help YOU!
I want to support you the best way that I can by making sure you are getting as much, or as little, contact and information from me as you wish. In order to best serve you, I have put together this questionnaire 📃 - it shouldn't take too long to fill out, it is only 4 little questions...⏳

AND - to make sure it is worth your while - I will add your name to a prize drawing for a $25 credit to your account 🥂 (if you are already a YL member) - but, if you have not yet joined, I will send you $25 towards your enrollment kit 🎉. What do you think? I am excited!! 😊

Also - as a bonus, if you go to the blog post below this one, and let me know which text series you'd be interested in receiving, I will add your name to the prize draw again (once for each topic).  I am pretty bad at maths, but those odds seem pretty good to me?!

See the questionnaire below...

A learning curve is essential to GROWTH!

A learning curve is essential to GROWTH!
rintFriHere it is!! 🥳 Here is the full list of oily education I have available for you (so far, because more content will be added each month)!  I don’t really like calling them classes, they are more like snippets of information.

The way this works is really very clever (though I say so myself 🙂 🤫)! My phone number gives me the ability to create and deliver content on demand, but, that is the ONLY automated part of this process; the messages are from me, and the messages are private between us.  You can text me with questions at any time and I would be thrilled to help you.

The text messages are set up in 2 different ways; some are scheduled to be delivered once or twice a day for a few consecutive days; and some are scheduled to be delivered every few minutes, but all in one block (like an hour).  I have tried to offer a choice of delivery method, but not all the ‘classes’ have that option.  You can stop getting the messages at any time, just text me and let me know that you’d like to be removed from future messages.

Why did I put these together? Because I want you to have the opportunity to learn about oils and other Young Living products, from the convenience of your phone; where you can select the information you’d like to have, and have it delivered in short, manageable messages.  Personally, I rarely read emails, and I know that lots of people don’t use social media.  I also know that it is hard to attend in-person classes and events.

So, to me – this seemed like a perfect way to offer you some education to support your wellness journey in a non intrusive and simple way. I sincerely hope you’ll take advantage of this resource (because I worked REALLY hard on it – 🤫🤣).

I feel like I haven’t been as good at providing information as I could have, mostly because I didn’t know where to start. 🤷‍♀️ Putting together this list, is my solution to being able to reach out to you and give you the opportunity to learn as much, or as little, as you want.

For future educational opportunities I will send you a message with an opt-in option.

You can select more than one class and I will make sure the information is sent to you.

AND – as a thank you for participating, I will add your name to a drawing for a $25 account credit!

Your independent Oily Education begins here (see form below, and remember you can select more than one series):

Life is like underwear, change is good!!

Life is like underwear, change is good!!

For the past several weeks I feel like I have had some kind of divine guide walking beside me; a helping hand that has been steering me, inspiring me, supporting me, encouraging me and even gently admonishing me for my past mistakes.  It is like I have been having conversations with my wiser self and I have finally found a better path (my very OWN Brexit – just kidding); it’s kind of like I’m discovering a different mindset and a renewed purpose.  Honestly, I can’t explain it – but things have been going well (which if you know what we’ve been dealing with lately, you’d be surprised to hear me say this), and it all feels so RIGHT!!

I have always believed in ‘signs’ – I place great stock in strange, wonderful and accidental coincidences… in fact; perhaps me being introduced to Young Living in the first place was because of a simple mistake; my friend accidentally ordered a Spanish version of the Premium Starter Kit (she thought of me because I am bilingual); an inconvenient error for her, but one that has completely changed the trajectory of my life.  Perhaps even the cancer diagnosis was part of a grand plan to give me the opportunity to do good, and help people live a healthier life.  It certainly woke me up to the enormous amount of toxins lurking in practically every consumable product we had in our home, and it motivated me to make the changes I can to protect the boys to the best of my ability.

When I started my Young Living business I went all in; practically from day one.  I love having my own business!! This time I feel like I have truly found my perfect job; Baby Signs involved singing (yikes) and Bricks 4 Kidz was just SUCH a huge responsibility; this job though, is all about making friends and helping people! I just love it!!

Despite loving what I do; for the past few months, I have been feeling like I needed a change – I needed to do this in a different way; MY way; not the way I read about in a book, or on an online course.  I was reflecting on this a couple of weeks ago; it was a Monday and I was driving to my friend’s house, and all of a sudden the words ‘Finding Valor’ popped in to my head! Finding Valor! It just made so much sense to me! It was perfect on so many levels; Valor being my favourite oil and one you’ll never find me without! Valor is what I need to get me through my days, the oil AND the courage – and finding it has been one of the best things that has happened to me since our world was forever changed 30 months ago.

I was certain that it was too good to be true, and that the name would already have been taken by someone else (that’s the British pessimism in me), but it wasn’t!! I didn’t even think twice about it – I purchased the domain name ‘’ within 30 minutes of thinking of the name (you know, because there was bound to be someone else about to register it – ha ha!).

Then, I looked for the Facebook handle. Goodness, I was so disappointed when I saw that there was a rock band in Chicago that had the name ‘Finding Valor’.  I visited their page and saw that they were a group of young men and that they hadn’t posted anything since 2011.  I figured they most likely had disbanded (no pun intended – ha ha!) and that I could just politely ask if they would release the name to me.  Some thought they would charge me a fair amount of money, but I thought I would just take my chances.  I sent them a message and decided I wouldn’t get my hopes up that they would even still be checking their Facebook messenger.  Not long afterwards I heard from one of them, and not only did he help me with the Facebook name, he also helped me with Instagram!

My next project was changing my website – this was a task I found hugely daunting given that I had spent weeks building it from scratch with no prior experience.  I was dreading having to do that again, but still, I knew it would be worth it.  Anyway, I called the company that was hosting my site and asked if it would be possible to switch my A New Leaf Essential Oils website to my new one.  As far as I was concerned, I was on hold while the rep was finding out if it were an option.  5 minutes later, he came back and said ‘Ok, it’s done; is there anything else I can help you with?’ “WHAT?!” Amazing!! See, I told you everything was meant to be!!

So basically, within 48 hours I had it all done; new name, new website, new logo, new business cards, and a new plate ordered for my car!  I am so excited! I feel like it was just what I needed! A fresh start is a wonderful thing!

First published November 8, 2019

Need a quick recap on the starter kit oils?

Need a quick recap on the starter kit oils?

What on Earth is an iTOVi?

What on Earth is an iTOVi?

iTOVi is a scanning device that ranks galvanic skin response (GSR) measurements. Galvanic skin response is also referred to as electrodermal activity or skin conductance testing. The iTovi measures those reactions through bioimpedance technology, the same technology commonly used in fitness trackers. During a scan, the iTOVi uses this technology to send stimuli to the body, and can recommend the oils/supplements that would be most appropriate. The makers of iTOVi have scanned all the Young Living oils and supplements, and have a record of all the products’ frequencies; in this way, the iTOVi is able to use this library to match up the scan results to product recommendations.

Let’s look at it another way… have you ever rubbed your feet on carpet and shocked someone?  Yes? This is because we, as humans, are designed to conduct (and produce) electricity.  It is because of this phenomenon that the iToVi scanner can measure your unique electrical frequency and compare it to the frequency of Young Living’s supplements and oils.

iTOVi doesn’t diagnose or treat disease. It’s not going to tell you what is wrong with you, and obviously it isn’t a replacement for medical care. However, you will notice that what comes up in a scan usually makes a lot of sense, and aligns with what you already know about your body. For example, if you’ve been eating a lot of things you know you shouldn’t, you won’t be surprised that it comes up with products to support digestion or detoxification. If products like Ningxia Red, Immupower, Thieves or oregano show up on your scan, you will likely know your body is fighting something.

Scans address short and long term issues. The results that come up first, usually the top three, reflect short term issues. The products that are lower on the list, are usually long term issues. In order to adequately support our body’s systems a protocol must be followed for longer than a day or two, much the same as with pharmaceuticals; taking one or two doses of a medication isn’t likely to have much of an impact.  That is why only scanning every 30 days or so is recommended (there is NO harm in scanning more often, it’s more about ensuring consistency in the use and application of the oils and supplements recommended by the scan) .  The only time you should scan more often than recommended, is if there is a crisis of some kind – an accident, a sudden illness or an emotional trauma.

Because the scans read our bioenergy, it will offer us guidance to support our emotions and body systems in order to empower us towards our goals of overall wellness. We, ourselves, cannot perceive the order of protocols we need to move through, but our bioenergy can “speak” to us through the scans.

It is widely accepted in many wellness communities that health issues are rooted in unresolved emotional issues. Those “top three” results are vital. Addressing unresolved issues cannot be accomplished by following a protocol for a day or so and then changing it up. It is recommended that the top three results be looked up in the Emotions & Essential Oils book, in order to assist in recognizing and addressing the emotional roots.

You can learn more about the iTOVi by clicking on the link below.

If you would like to have a scan, please let me know.  If you are local, I can meet you anywhere, but, even if you aren’t local, iTOVi has a network of wonderful people throughout the country that are willing to scan other Young Living members.  You just need to let me know, and I can help you.  The scan itself will only take a few minutes.  You can expect to remove any Fitbit or Apple watch (or similar devices) and stand with feet apart, while holding the small device in the palm of your hand.  The scan takes less than 3 minutes and the results can be texted or emailed to you.

First published July 23, 2019
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