Here's how to clean up your laundry routine...
I am here to be your guide! 

To make the shift at your home, here is what I used (from Young Living, of course!) 😘

Item #3843 Thieves Household Cleaner $22.50 (wholesale) or $29.61 (retail).

Item #5349 Thieves Laundry Soap $29.50 (wholesale) or $38.82 (retail).

By my calculations – this initial investment of $60 (not including the glass container, water and washing soda) will make enough detergent to wash over 890 loads of laundry!! Now THAT is amazing value!! ESPECIALLY considering you are also keeping your family safe!

I would love to help you get started - if you are ready to take the plunge, contact me and I will help you get the best value for your specific needs - contact me here! I would be honoured to help you and walk you through everything.